Restaurants can prevent liability during a busy summer month by implementing specific safety measures to help their clientele. As an insurance agent, you have clients who own restaurants and know the essential safety measures. Running a restaurant means taking on some liability risks, but that does not mean your client can’t mitigate those risks. In fact, along with the right business insurance, there are other steps they can take to help reduce their risk of any liability losses.
Restaurants and Liability in the Summer
There are plenty of safety measures a restaurant owner can take to limit risks.
Understanding Some Common Restaurant Liability Issues
Restaurants can prevent liability by following certain protocols. Additionally, restaurant owners must understand some of the common liability issues they might encounter.
For example:
• Alcohol-related risks, including age verification and overserving
• Food quality issues, such as contaminants and food poisoning
• Injuries, as can occur with spills and wet floors
• Allergen exposure, which can be fatal
Preventing Liability During Busy Season Service
The busy season is when most liability risks occur, and for a good reason. When your client’s restaurant is busiest, their staff is more likely to cut corners and rush through things. That is how hazards get overlooked. Proactive measures are essential for reducing this risk.
Prohibit Outside Food in the Dining Room
It’s common for people to bring outside food in when hosting parties because they want to bring cake or cupcakes. If your client allows this, it can put their business at risk if someone falls ill from the baked goods because there’s no way to know the cause. Your client’s business insurance may require them to restrict food to only what comes from their kitchen.
Ensure Adequate Training
Proper staff training is critical to reducing liability risks. Especially during the busy season, your client needs confidence that their staff understands adequate food handling, allergen labeling and avoidance, cross-contamination, and proper hygiene.
Use Warning Labels
Any food served raw or undercooked, such as sushi or medium-rare steak, should be clearly labeled for safety. In addition, restaurant officials should mark allergens clearly so guests can see and staff can reference the information. Making allergen exposure details accessible for staff and customers can help mitigate busy season restaurant liability issues.
Prevent Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and fall injuries likely give out the most common liability issues for restaurants. During the busy season, when service volume is at its peak, ensure any wet floors or spills are clearly marked while waiting for cleanup and cleaned up as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of slipping. Your client must be attentive to these risks in the kitchen and dining room.
Liability is a serious concern for all restaurant owners. The right business insurance policy can help protect your client’s investment, but they still need mitigation steps. They should consider these tips to help keep their business, employees, and customers safe.
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For more than six decades, Cochrane & Company has been proudly at the forefront of the insurance industry. Our experience has enabled us to innovate in powerful ways, reimagining the E&S market, and providing technology solutions that make it easy to do business with us. Licensed in all 50 states, we proudly serve clients across the nation, providing personalized and powerful solutions to help you become an even better partner for your clients. Speak to one of our experienced professionals today by calling (855) 967-0069.